
Market Rasen Station, Chapel Street, Market Rasen, Lincolnshire LN8 3AQ

A Community Project run by a Community Interest Company

The Market Rasen Station Community Project CIC was formed as a community interest company to restore the station building and bring it back to use.  Thanks to a grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund and a private sector contribution from Lindum Group, the building has now been transformed.

The Community Interest Company’s Directors are Steven Bunney (Market Rasen Town Council), Lynn Ritson (Lindum Group), Ian Hind (Lindum Group) and Emma Wardell (CIC Chair).  The late John Matthews was a founder Director. If you would like more information about the CIC, please contact Emma Wardell by emailing brownhilltop@btopenworld.com or Lynn Ritson on 01522 852441.